DionneCauterucci's blog

I do my thing and you do yours. I am not on this world to live up to your dreams, so you are not in this world to live up to mine. You are you and I am I, however, if by chance we discover one another well, then it is nice. Otherwise, it can't be helped.

How To Relieve Fallen Arches

Another approach to treating flatfoot is with the use of Prolotherapy This strange treatment involves injecting a substance into the foot ligaments which actually causes a localized inflammation. The resulting inflammation activates the body's natural healing mechanisms, creating new collagen. As the collagen matures, it shrinks-and the ligament that was injected becomes stronger-thus reducing pain and tendon weakness. The arch of the foot is formed by the tarsal and metatarsal bones and strengthened by ligaments and tendons. It allows the foot to support the weight of the body in the erect posture with the least weight. Standing in one spot is far more tiring than walking because the demands are being made on the same few muscles for a longer length of time. Foot ailments can become your first sign of more serious medical problems. Your feet mirror your general health, so conditions like arthritis, diabetes, nerve and circulatory disorders can show their initial symptoms in your feet. About 5% of the US population has corns or calluses annually. They may be more unlikely to receive treatment and more prone to carry on having troubles without treatment.fallen arches shoes Plantar Fasciitis is a very common condition caused by over-pronation. As the feet flatten, the Plantar Fascia (fibrous band of ligaments under the foot) is being overly stretched, leading to inflammation in the heel, where the fascia attach to the heel bone. Plantar Fasciitis causes chronic heel pain and sometimes a heel spur develops (bony growth at the heel bone). Orthotics correct the problem of over-pronation and they re-align the foot and ankle bones to their neutral position, restoring our natural foot function. In turn, this will help alleviate problems not only in the feet, but also in other parts of the body! Do not walk around barefoot. Walking barefoot can not only lead to fallen arches over time, it can also make the bottom of your feet hard and rough. Walking barefoot occasionally is fine but when you constantly walk without anything protecting your feet, it takes some of the moisture out and leads to dry, cracked heels and toes. It is best to always keep something on your feet whether it be shoes, slippers, or socks. I like to wear the fuzzy socks in the winter and ankle socks in the summer. The fuzzy socks not only protect my feet but keep them all warm and toasty in the winter. Before I get carried away on a tangential rant against athletic shoes, I’ll try to stick to the topic at hand. We know that shoes alter the structure and function of the foot. I mean, it sounds like plain common sense, but there’s also some concrete evidence. Back in 1905, an orthopedist named Dr. Philip Hoffman conducted a “Comparative Study of Barefooted and Shoe-Wearing Peoples” (don’t you just love old research?) and published his results in the American Journal of Orthopedic Surgery. He also took a ton of photos. Note the wide toes, and how a straight line can be drawn through the axis. Looks pretty healthy and stable, right?

Hallux Valgus

Bunions are bony growths that develop on the joint where the big toe meets the foot. As the bunion grows, increasing pressure forces the big toe joint outward, causing the big toe to point in and crowd other toes on the same foot. The result is pain when walking and wearing shoes. Structural defects and wearing tight shoes are the most common causes of bunions. Treatment focuses on relieving pain, reducing pressure and removing the bunion surgically when necessary. Step 1 A subluxation of the 1st MPJ with a deviation of the great toe towards the second with an enlargement of the medial first metatarsal head. A bunion is a protrusion of bone and tissue found on the inner border of the foot just behind the big toe joint. This area is called the first metatarsal head. Hallux Valgus is the medical term used for a bunion and describes when the great toe deviates towards the 2nd toe. Bunions are often bilateral which means they appear on both feet. He kept interrupting me when I'd try to say something, or ask a question, so none of my questions were answered except that we are going straight to PT and he can't order bone stimulation because he put a wire in my front toe. Achilles Tendonitis means inflammation of the Achilles Tendon. The Achilles Tendon connects the calf muscles to the heel bone and sits just behind the ankle joint. Achilles pain occurs just above the back of the heel and sometimes the Achilles Tendon is thickened and tender to the touch. Achilles Tendonitis should not be left untreated due to the danger that the tendon can become weak and ruptured. Achilles pain is aggravated by activities that repeatedly stress the tendon, causing inflammation. The cause of Achilles Tendonits is over-straining of the Achilles Tendons leading to irritation and inflammation. The most common cause, however, is over-pronation. Use an ice pack to alleviate pain, inflammation and redness associated with the bunion. Apply the ice on the joint after elevating the foot on a stool. One can also use bunion gel pads, bunion shields or bunion splints to reduce the pain and inflammation. The gel pads and shields are to be worn over the foot or applied directly over the bunion to protect the foot against pressure, friction and abrasion, while wearing shoes. The splint on the other hand is worn at night to correct the position of the toe. It can also be worn during the day while wearing shoes. Another surgical treatment may include fusions of the first metatarsophalangeal joint ( MTP joint ) by arthrodesis and removal of the joint and replace it with a prosthesis ( arthroplasty ) Bunionectomy / exostectomy that involve removal of the medial body prominence of the MTP joint are performed. Osteotomy and realignments can also be performed as well as Lapidus procedure which involves a fusion that is performed at / near the first metatarsophalangeal joint (MTP joint). Manipulation of the soft tissue is also performed to alter the function and structure of the tendons and ligaments.hallux valgus deformity I still feel pain. I've been following the Dr's orders to the T. I cannot walk normal because the big toe is so stiff. I have to walk sideways up the stairs in my home. I am starting to lose faith in this surgery. Work is coming in, and I cannot commit because I am still a GIMP! And to make matters worse, I am beginning to gain noticeable weight because of the inability to exercise and do cardio. He said, " Since the misalignment was so minimal 1-2mm I would likely have chosen the same course of action, to see what the outcome would be then go from there". Bunions commonly cause reddening and swelling in the region of larger toes. It will be feasible to detect this problem with the aid of x rays that can make it possible to take a look at the enlarged remedy that occurs in the bone. There are a number of treatments that can follow the medical diagnosis treatment. There will be fantastic pain relief acquired with the help of these techniques by applying them on a consistent basis. Lots of people have had the ability to conquer this problem in an effective and long-term way. Nov. 18th Taking both meds. Foot is a little more sore than it was yesterday because it was numb then. The boot hurts like HELL and it's almost impossible to sleep with it on, but I was told that I MUST sleep with it for a min. of two weeks. I swear I had to take the pain meds in order to wear that damn boot! Someone is working HARD for treats! I think that they're seriously bored because they don't see mommy in bed this much. Singh D, Dudkiewicz I. Lengthening osteotomy of the iatrogenic short first metatarsal. JBJS 2004 87B (Supp III) 382 ( Israel Orthopaedic Association). Website As you get older you need shoes which will provide adequate support by holding your foot firmly in place. Choose a natural material such as soft leather or cotton which is breathable and will mould to your natural foot shape. Make sure you get your feet checked for size, check both feet, and that your shoes are not too tight. Lace-up shoes or Velcro fasteners will probably be more comfortable than slip-on shoes. Irons - found in meat, poultry, pulses, helps transport oxygen throughout the body, which can alleviate the symptoms of fatigue, light headedness and weakness A bunion is one problem that can develop due to hallux valgus , a foot deformity. The term " hallux valgus " is Latin and means a turning outward ( valgus ) of the big toe ( hallux ). The bone which joins the big toe, the first metatarsal, becomes prominent on the inner border of the foot. This bump is the bunion and is made up of bone and soft tissue. Patient is unable to supinate his / her foot and will tend to keep his body weight on the lateral border of the foot which results in a late heel risehallux valgus icd 9

Low Arches Can Cause Foot Problems

The second important point is trying to maintain good control of the barbell with unstable footing. A buffer which is in between your feet and the floor will not move in a reliable fashion each time, adversely affecting the lift. In other words, it is not possible to execute a standing barbell movement the same way each time. Because of the inconsistent surface, the probability of a weight lifting mishap and serious injury increases exponentially due to the difficulty in obtaining a good balance position. When patients like Richard complain of heel pain it is important to gather as much information about lifestyle and overall health issues. There are several risk factors that may contribute to foot pain such as obesity , diabetes, standing on your feet most of the day, suddenly becoming very active, or having flat-feet or a high arch. Shoes – How your shoes fit and support your feet is extremely important. Ill-fitting shoes can put pressure on your heel, add strain during movement and cause misalignment throughout the foot. Metatarsalgia – A condition affecting the ball-of-foot area which becomes inflamed often caused as a result of wearing high heeled shoes.flat feet shoes Well it was the best decision I have ever made. These things have literally changed my life for the better. I have only gotten slightly sore feet once since I got them, and even that was 3/4 better than it had been in the past. The other day I took my kids Trick or Treating and even though the two older ones pooped out after the first hour and a half, my little guy and I walked around Trick or Treating with only one break for about 3 hours, and I did not have an ounce of foot pain. For best result, do it morning right after you wash your face and at night before bedtime. For better than best outcome, eat 1 - 3 tablespoons a day and you'll see a naturally smooth, shiny complexion over time. When exercising or jogging, a person will need to wearing footwear that will feel as comfortable as possible. There are so many top running shoes that are available in the market today and they will be selected as per the need of the person who will be wearing them. Different people need different types of the shoes and one needs a pair that is most suitable for them.flat feet military There really is no substitute for hard work. But balls to the wall stuff, focusing on laps of the training field just won't cut it. 4 x 400m do not take into account the physical nature of rugby - the fact that once you are hit then contact running becomes the last thing on your mind! Think about your demands and bearing in mind studies by Eaves (2001) revealed that the ball is in play for around 35 minutes work a session where you are performing as many rugby specific drills in this time zone with minimal rest.

Plantar Fasciitis Strapping

Diagnostic testing is rarely indicated for the initial evaluation and treatment of plantar fasciitis. Plantar fasciitis is often called “heel spurs,” although this terminology is somewhat of a misnomer because 15 to 25 percent of the general population without symptoms have heel spurs and many symptomatic individuals do not. 2 Heel spurs are bony osteophytes that can be visualized on the anterior calcaneus on radiography. However, diagnostic testing is indicated in cases of atypical plantar fasciitis, in patients with heel pain that is suspicious for other causes ( Table 1 ) or in patients who are not responding to appropriate treatment. The most common cause of foot pain, particularly heel pain is plantar fasciitis. The plantar fascia is a ligament that runs from your heel to your toes. When this ligament gets inflamed or irritated, pain results. Roughly 2 million people are treated for this condition each year. Want to get in great shape? Learn more about LIVESTRONG.COM's nutrition and fitness program! Plantar Fasciitis I having been treating Morton's Toe for over thirty years; and what I do know for sure it can be the missed reason for the following aches, and pains not only of the feet, but also of the whole body.plantar fasciitis taping The heel pain associated with plantar fasciitis is tremendous, and, as a Houston podiatrist , I am surprised that Camby has tried to play through his injury for so long. At my Tanglewood Foot Specialists office, I like to see you as soon as you start experiencing foot pain , so that any condition you may have doesn’t have the chance to get worse. Come see me if you want to heal quickly and avoid surgery if at all possible. Apr 06, 2011 By Amanda Davis Photo Caption Shoes that do not provide sufficient arch support can lead to plantar fasciitis. Photo Credit Jupiterimages/Photos.com/Getty Images Plantar Fasciitis is an inflammation caused by excessive stretching of the plantar fascia. The plantar fascia is a broad band of fibrous tissue which runs along the bottom surface of the foot, attaching at the bottom of the heel bone and extending to the forefoot. When the plantar fascia is excessively stretched, this can cause plantar fasciitis, which can also lead to heel pain, arch pain, and heel spurs. Cause The heel pain caused by plantar fascilitis or a heel spur can be agony to live with, but there is much that can be undertaken to provide relief and reassurance. We took her to see Dr. Martha Cooper MD in Sylvester Georgia. Dr. Cooper agreed that my wife definitely had the condition and offered to give her some pain meds. My wife does not like taking medicine, she and I both have seen some of the damage that modern medicine has caused and would just as soon find alternative ways of treating most any condition. Many of these, goal in making the system much more comfy to use. Therefore, the plantar fasciitis night splint will become lighter and lighter, using the exact feature of reducing the soreness as well as lowering the swelling, for example the orthotic footwear insertions.

Oh My Aching Shins!

Bunions are a very common foot deformity, but it has been seen that people ignore it till the time it takes the shape of a potential hazard for the feet. Bunions are the bumps that occur on the big toe or on its sides. The bump is nothing but it shows the changes that is taking place in the structure of bones of the frontal feet. A person who suffers from a bunion has the big toe pointing towards the second toe instead of its natural straight alignment. Hence, we get to see the bumps in the form of bumps that have fallen out of alignment. read more High heels can be harmful to your feet. The higher, the worse. Talk to any podiatrist in your town, and she will surely attest to this fact. Check out the orange pump in the photo above. Does it look even remotely compatible to the human foot anatomy? Humans are not supposed to walk on the balls of their feet with awkwardly bent soles and overwhelming stress on their toe ligaments. According to the American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society, repetitive wearing of high-heeled shoes not only leads to foot deformities but also excessive strain in the legs, knees and lower back. Superfeet Premium Insoles are made of high-density foam and have a patented stabilizer cap that forms a heel cup which supports the heel. Bunion sufferers are notorious for problems with bone alignment, and when the heel is supported, this is a good way to help keep the bones aligned properly. The superfeet premium insoles are a great way to absorb the shock of walking, too. They can be used with different types of shoes, including athletic footwear and dress shoes. Your best bet for bunions really may be orthotic arch supports, Superfeet Premium Insoles, and fleece-lined slippers for nighttime wear around the house. Bunions are painful foot deformities that occur when the joint on the big toe sticks out from the foot, states the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. The deformity can be worsened by wearing shoes that fit poorly or squeeze the toes too tightly. Bunions affect about 55 percent of women in the U.S. Though sometimes surgery is required to correct the foot deformity and get rid of the bunion, you can often avoid surgery with a few simple steps to take better care of your feet. Step 1 Many people know the term 'bunion' and that it occurs on a foot, but don't know exactly what a bunion is. It is very important to know the need to treat this disease in time to avoid negative results and an extension of it. Nerve Pain In Foot After Bunion Surgery treatment most doctors recommend is an initial six to eight week program of conservative treatment which consist of slowing down the activities and rest a while to eliminate the inflammation. Massage with ice preferably twice a day or at least once at the end of the day. Stretching and strengthening exercises can help the ligament become more flexible and can strengthen muscles that support the arch in turn reducing stress on the ligament.bunion pain relief The condition is characterized by thickening of nerve tissues that are found in the ball of the foot. Mostly, such thickening affects the nerve that travels between the third and fourth toes. The symptoms include pain in the ball of the foot and the toes. Such pain will be accompanied with numbness, tingling, and burning sensation. The pain may not subside during night or with rest. In both cases, impact transferred from the heel pushes toes together. Over time, the big toe may deviate, pushing the first bone in the big toe against the metatarsal bone behind it, creating the hump. Cold compress Aside from heat, the cold can also give you temporary pain relief. Whenever your bunion aches, simply get an ice pack and hold it against the bunion until the pain subsides. Comfort shoes The most common cause of bunion is poor-fitting pair of shoes. To alleviate the pain that you feel, you should avoid wearing high-heeled or tight shoes. Instead, get shoes that bring your feet extra comfort. There are many special medical shoes available in the market like Morton's Neuroma shoes. You can also wear insoles to help remove the pressure that your feet receive. Usually a tailor bunion will be swollen and inflamed. As the bony lump forms, the flesh is moved and can become damaged. They are easily knocked by accident and when walking normally they can rub up against the upper of the shoe and become sore. Blisters can easily form which are prone to infection. Since the pain is due to inflammation, many treatment plans flight this problem first. Corticosteroid injections is an antinflammatory that will give many suffers great relief. There are side effects associated with steroid injections, thus the number of injections that one can receive is limited and not everyone is eligible for an injection. Symptoms include redness, swelling and pain which may be present along the inside margin of the foot. The patients feet may become too wide to fit into their normal size shoe and may experience moderate to severe discomfort may occur when the patient is wearing tight shoes. A "hammer toe" may occur at the 2nd toe. This is when the toe contracts and presses on the shoe. Subsequently, this may cause a corn on top of the 2nd toe. Abnormal foot function, excessive pronation. If a chiropodist/ podiatrist uses this term he is referring to excessive rolling in of the foot at the ankle joint while you are walking. Foot pain happens every now and then. They can be relieved through massage and other therapeutic ways, but what we do not know is that pain can signal something more serious. We often take for granted our feet. We run miles, walk around for hours in a day, exercise, and lift some heavy stuff. Most of our activities place much pressure on our feet as it supports our whole body weight. Pain in foot including arch pain could mean an inflammation, an injury or something of a medical condition called bunions.bunion pain after running

Back Pain Treatment

Whether a person tried to lift too much or has a degenerative disease, back pain is a miserable sensation that greatly can reduce mobility. Sometimes the solution to back pain is simple rest, while other instances of back pain can be remedied only with surgery. The decision on whether to use a back brace to manage the pain unfortunately relies on a body of conflicting data on back brace effectiveness. Back pain is one of the most common ailments, affecting 80 percent of Americans at least once during their lives. Often, especially in the case of women, its source lies in the gallbladder. For many people with lower and upper back pain, the way you sit and sleep affect and may even cause the problems you are having. You can fix this by using back support. Whether it's a small pillow resting behind you at the office all day, or the right kind of mattress at home, follow guidelines to support your back and alleviate pain and tension. Back pain can be the result of a variety of sources including back strain and a herniated disc. Symptomology is often so similar that it may require an MRI (magnetic resonance imagine) or discogram to determine an accurate diagnosis. Acute or short-term low back pain generally lasts from a few days to a few weeks. Most acute back pain is the result of trauma to the lower back or a disorder such as arthritis. Pain from trauma may be caused by a sports injury, work around the house or in the garden, or a sudden jolt such as a car accident or other stress on spinal bones and tissues. Symptoms may range from muscle ache to shooting or stabbing pain, limited flexibility and range of motion, or an inability to stand straight. Chronic back pain is pain that persists for more than 3 months. There are several causes for this type of pain in this particular location. A broken or cracked rib has the power to send a person into intense pain. At the very least, it will cause inflammation in sufferers cartilage found near the breastbone. Osteoporosis and pleurisy are also likely reasons for rib pain. In order to diagnose the problem, it is wise to have a medical professional check it out for you. The doctor may want to use an x ray in order to get a better view and verify any findings he or she may have already found. Urgent surgery may be required. Dr. Tom Grant is a Chiropractor in Salt Lake City, Utah. His chiropractic specialty is advanced whiplash treatment for neck pain and the related symptoms of headache and back pain. You can treat the back pain by medication, physical therapy and in worst cases even surgery but they all are just treatments not addressing the underlying problem issue and can even have negative side effects. Sometime the exercise and the physical therapy further aggravate the issue as it strains the already strained muscles and joints. And when we talk about the surgery it involves removing part of the vertebra or disc which often in log run creates other back problems.back pain causes If this stress-related tension persists, your muscles begin to weaken over time due to lack of nutrients and oxygen needed to function properly. The weaker your muscles, the more susceptible they are to strain and injury. Stress is not an easy thing to overcome but there are stress relief techniques that are helpful such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, visualization, or just getting away for some peace and quiet to read or listen to music. The downside to waxing is that continuous sessions of waxing can become quite costly and that's not even mentioning the high level of pain that one needs to endure. Women probably don't know if their foot function contributes to low back pain, but they can find out about it," Hannan told Reuters Health. One simple trick to strengthen muscles in the feet is to lay a towel on a flat surface and then scrunch the toes together in order to pick up the towel and lower it back down. Foot orthotics are another option. Once you have back pain, you'll want to do core muscle exercises and perhaps take anti-inflammatory medication, but anything that is contributing to asymmetry - you will also want to address that," Pinney said. Nerve compression can also cause upper back rib area pain. It is characterised by a general aching feeling and instants of sharp electric pain most likely running into your arm. Compression of nerves in the neck is the most likely culprit. Get an x-ray examination to check the state of your neck. Lung cancers in the upper lobes of your lungs can also cause pain in that region of your back. It is characterised by dull constant pain that doesn't change with movement or massage. See your doctor ASAP if you have this condition. For example, if you have neck pain , it can be caused by your lower back being tight. The same applies for your lower back, it may be caused by your muscles in the lower leg and postural changes have occurred which allows lower back pain. When you stretch a muscle, you are trying to remove tension. In other words you want the muscle to relax. So if you use a muscle as soon as you stretch it, that relaxation will disappear. I am still trying different things on my back to ease the pain , I think like most things in life, good management is the key. Spinal stenosis may also be characterized by lower back pain symptoms, with pain running down to both lower extremities especially when walking or standing for a long time. Another reason for acute lower back pain is a medical emergency called cauda equine syndrome. This condition occurs when there is a direct compression of the spinal cord. Myofascial pain is also associated with back pain symptoms including tenderness in localized areas, immobility of the muscle groups involved, as well as a type of pain restricted to the peripheral nerves. In addition to the causes discussed above, there are a few other possible causes of back pain on the right side.

General Foot Conditions & Treatment

An itchy head is not an uncommon problem seen in most individuals. There are many possible reasons why people have been experiencing this problem – some might be caused by dandruff, some may be caused by excessive dryness of the scalp. Unfortunately, many individuals have known this problem have existed, but never taken this situation seriously. If not taken into account as soon as possible, many other problems may exist and may be a further cause of many other skin diseases. read more Now that you know what causes toenail fungus and how to prevent it, take good care of your self, and you will be welcome everywhere. As with most health concerns the biggest and most important thing that you can do to keep your feet healthy is to address any and all problems as soon as they come up. When you start to feel pinched by your shoes you should immediately invest in some extra width shoes. If you are finding the soles of your feet lacking you should quickly make your way into some orthopedic shoes. Similarly if there are reoccurring blisters and sores on your feet they should immediately be brought to the attention of an accredited podiatrist. So, this is the reason to be very careful while selecting the proper natural topical creams for dry skin. Your skin is the largest organ in your body and whatever you apply on it is directly absorbed by it deep within. It is literally "ingested" by your skin. If you are suffering from dry skin on your arms, feet, legs, etc, then you need to look for a natural substance called Phytessence Wakame in top quality creams for getting rid of dry skin. It is an extract of a special Japanese sea kelp. Looking back, people are conservatively dressed and everything was designed to decently cloth people, especial women. Examining the evolution of clothing fashion from then to present, we could say that the mode of dressing has greatly changed. Wholesale urban wear is a good example on how the times have really changed. Most women prefer the urban type of clothing than the very confining skirt, which restricts movements. Everywhere you check there is no way you can miss seeing the latest and fashionable clothing, which urban people have embraced so easily. But it has a dark side, he says. "We need to understand it and approach our sun-seeking behavior in moderation."foot hard skin pain Treating acne isn’t simply about reducing skin bacteria or controlling sebum production. Acne is a mind-body skin condition, and learning to feel comfortable in your skin and how you approach mental-emotional health and skincare can be just as important as dietary and topical treatments. Try practicing these five mind-body tips to help improve acne and overall health and well-being. The body has an amazing ability to repair itself. And it does so through the nutrient delivery system. The lack of nutrients is what prevents our bodies from repairing itself as efficiently as before when we were much younger. The next day, soak your feet again, or take a bath or shower, and use the FeetFirst Buffing Pad to remove as much softened dead skin as you comfortably can. Becareful not to buff into tender skin. Finish by using the Professional Foot File.File first with the courser side then use the finer side of the foot file. Don't put Glytone Heel and Elbow on open cracks. Seal these first with Bag Balm andkeep the Glytone away from the cracks. Slowly they will heal and, as your feet improve,you will be able to treat these areas too. With over 75% of the population suffering from foot problems, almost everyone is looking for a foot product to fix their problems. Is Peg Egg the answer to all of our problems? Personally, I think this gadget is better suited in the kitchen rather than the medicine cabinet. Many people suffer from calluses and they can be very unsightly and very painful. Elbows, knees, and feet are completely covered in the winter months, and usually forgotten until spring. Clothing and boots can cause friction that creates a buildup of thick skin. A good scrubbing with a natural lofah sponge, followed by a rich cream will remove any problems here. When it comes to hard skin or cracked heels, the obvious solution is to rush to the local convenience store and help yourself to creams and lotions. This sounds great on paper but when you have to pay the bill, the enthusiasm turns to sadness. Add to this that not all creams are just as effective and most of them only work on short term, and you’ve got several reasons to be on a constant search for homemade alternatives. Some people on the other hand, can get painful nodules under the skin, which are usually caused by an infection or trauma.